Yesterday, I went to a Bloggers’ event at BGC. I rode a van at Makati and it only took me less than 30 minutes to arrive to our place here in Cavite. It’s fast right? That is because our driver took the Skyway route and used an E-Pass.
For those who are not familiar with E-PASS, it is a reloadable transponder or “tag” attached to the car’s windshield under the rear view mirror, the E-PASS allows a vehicle to just slow down through E-Pass lanes. The tag is read by a sensor at the E-Pass lanes in just 1.5 seconds—about one-tenth of the 15 seconds it usually takes for manual toll transactions—making entry into and exit out of the Skyway System and SLEX a breeze.
I can say that E-PASS can really make life easier for the motorists who are frequent users of the South Luzon Expressway. It helps the motorists to travel faster and it will lessen the traffic on the “cash” lane at toll gates.
But unfortunately, I read an editorial blog (Bring back ePass now Edmundo Reyes) that Capstone Technologies the provider of E-Pass system allegedly issued an order that as of the moment they will no longer accept new E-Pass applicants. They will allow existing E-Pass card holders to reload but they will not issue new tags for new applicants.
If this is true, I hope that they will issue a VALID REASON why they need to stop it.
It’s just a month before the schools will start and as well as the rainy season, with the increasing number of new residents here at the South who are using the SLEX, I think there will be a long line of traffic along the “cash” toll booths.
To the SLEX management or TRB, please order the lifting of the ban and issue new ePass to the public and act on this problem as early as possible.
E-PASS may not be the solution of the metros unending traffic problems, but it does help to lessen it somehow. So, BRING BACK EPASS NOW!!!!
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Perhaps system overload.
Imbis na paunlad e paurong talaga kalimitan sa Pilipinas. Pati sa eleksyon kesa PCOS machine eh mano-mano na lang daw.
Hi, I think the unification of slex, nlex ,sctex, tplex, etc. Is the reason. I think there has been a government directive to use just one e tag system for all expressway. Ie. Nlex -ectag/ectrip, slex- epass