I am once a fan of Mo Twister at Magic 89.9, and I even had the chance to talk to him over the phone, not just once but twice. What I like about him is his being nerd and may I say being honest on his opinion. He is prank and funny. I was surprised the other day when I visited PEP (which I never did for almost 6 months or more now), and I saw his video. As of now I am not that interested to showbiz news until this video shown up, I think it makes the local showbiz gossip alive once again.
The video goes viral, and it’s about Mo making a confession about what he and this girl (reportedly was referring to his ex girlfriend Rhian Ramos), did in Singapore and that is to have an abortion. He is so guilty about it and can’t help but to talk to himself on his laptop. Unfortunately since he plan to leave the country and sold all his things (including the laptop), the video has been restored by a more smarter people.
If Mo didn’t just make this video to get back to Rhian (well, for dumping him whatsoever) then he get my pity. Everyday he will face the mirror and regret not using any protection when they did it, that result to a horrible crime they have committed which is taking the life of an unborn child.
On the other hand, another showbiz bruhaha that is spreading wide is the interview of KC Concepcion on the Buzz last week. She confesses that Piolo and her broke up.
She shown up with no make up, un-brush hair, non stop flaw of tears, in the interview. She really looks kawawa on public eye. Maybe she really can’t take the things that Piolo did to her, but seriously telling it all in front of the camera and then after that she will say that she don’t want to ruin the person, hmmmm I think the damage is already done.
Many people speculates that Piolo is really a gay after the confessions of KC. If ever he really is, then maybe we should just let him be. Let him do what he thinks will make him happy. Maybe when he asked KC to be his girlfriend, he was still looking for his soul and trying to be straight, but in the end, he just can’t. Being gay is not a crime nor his fault. It is having a relationship with a person when you are not yet that sure about yourself or your feelings made the situation so bad.
Well, it’s just my personal opinion! you can agree or disagree. In the end, I am not the one to judge them, it’s their life and I believe in every life’s situation, there is a lesson to be learned.
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nothing change with how I look up at P. Hehe. I still love him whatever his s preference maybe. :p
I’m not abreast of the latest showbiz gossips, but thanks to you, I now know about the hottest issues in showbiz. Good Monday morning, Levy!
We were given a chance to choose but then the pressure in the entertainment industry made them choose otherwise. It’s an act, regrettable for a life time.
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