Parents, admit it.
Besides from making your child eat veggies, you’re also having troubles getting him to fall asleep, right?
Sleep is crucial for a growing child. A kid’s intense period of growth hormone release is timed shortly after deep sleep settles in. Growth hormones are hormones released by the pituitary gland, the master gland of the endocrine system in our body.
These human growth hormones assist the different parts of the body to develop; if these hormones are disrupted, it may lead into delayed or stunted growth. On the other hand, lack of sleep in children could affect their performance in school and their appetite; thus, may result to different illnesses or poor performance in academics.
Getting your children to fall asleep may be a tough challenge— but not that tough to conquer. Here are some tips on how you can get your child to sleep on time:
Make Him Comfortable
Of course, no one would like to go to sleep if he’s sleeping in an uncertain place. You can buy him a little lamp that would emit a dim glow in his bedroom. Keep those cabinets and windows closed. Kids have this wild imagination that something beneath the bed is after them; don’t hesitate to check under the beds or let him use his favorite stuff toy or blanket.
Is his bed too hard? (Is there another word for ‘hard’ when talking about mattresses?) There are several cheap mattresses in the market. Zip and link mattresses for zip and link beds, pocket sprung mattresses, memory foam mattresses, coil sprung mattresses and even portable roll up mattresses. You can opt for zip and link mattresses if your children are sharing one room.
Sleeping Routine
Set a sleeping routine for your child. After dinner, make sure that he doesn’t get involved in any ‘stimulating’ activities, as advised by Medical Director Carol L. Rosen, M.D., at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Medicine at Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital in Cleveland.
Make sure that his ‘bedtime’ rituals are fulfilled. At a young age, it is common to have such rituals. This keeps him comfortable and assured of his surroundings, thus making the environment conducive for sleep. These routines can be developed over time; it sets off a ‘cue’ for kids that they are about to wind-down, making them sleepy.
Warm Bath and Aromatherapy
If cold water in the shower can actually raise your spirits for an all-nighter, a warm bath does the opposite. Having your kids include taking a warm bath in their routine prior sleeping can help relax their muscles and calm their very active minds. You can add essential oils in their baths for more fun. Chamomile oil is a natural sedative, and you may as well consider having lavender oil if you want another option. Kids will get to enjoy their travel to dreamland with these nose-friendly and calming scents.
For sure kids who get to sleep well and regularly get an ample amount of sleep will perform better in school; what’s more, they can remain active for a long time for essential physical activities for the day. Also, this is the stage of your children’s lives that you should make them appreciate sleep. You can just wonder how they will rant about not having enough time with their beds a few years after they begin working.
This is a guest post by Krissy Tilla-in, a writer for Divan Beds. She’s a full-time mom of two beautiful twins. Tweet some love @flyingkrissy
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Yes warm bath before bedtime. With my son, I sung Lullaby or read bedtime stories for him and I find it very effective.