I have lots of relatives abroad. In our province in Tarlac, most people there don’t go to Manila anymore to look for a job just like old days, now they apply for work at other countries. I can’t blame them since the pay is a lot higher abroad, a housekeeper’s salary in our hometown is ranged from P2,000- P4,000 while in other countries, they can earn up to P10,000-P15,000 or even higher monthly. I salute these people who don’t mind the hardship, the home sick and sometimes being harassed by their employers just to earn some money so that they can have something to give to their family here. I salute their dedication.
Did you know that there are already 11 Million OFWs out there, and that they are sustaining our Nation by providing us 17 Billion US dollars and 12% in GDP? and what do we do to re pay them?
One of the unforgettable experience of me at the airport before is when I join my mom to fetched my Aunt and I witnessed how some people at the airport (I am not sure if they work there) asked for their Pasalubongs from not just foreigners, but our OFWs as well (which as if they knew each other). My poor Aunt who just came back after 4 years of hardship saw this and was very disappointed on how they were welcomed. I know this is not right and they should be treated like Queens and Kings when they go home but I was just a child back then.
I hope this time, this old embarrassing routine is not happening at the airport anymore. Our OFWs should be given something and shown some courtesy when they go home.
It’s good to know that Toblerone with other private sectors such as Duty Free Philippines, Kraft Asia together with “Thank You Global Pinoy Awards” will be launching the SPECIAL REWARDS PASSPORT. This passport can be used to redeem gifts from partner establishments every time users do their shopping or go on a well deserved vacation.

I almost forgot, the Thank You Global Pinoy Awards is an award dedicated for Outstanding Overseas Filipino Workers who deserve to be thanked. If you know someone who brings honor to the Philippines or who excel on their chosen fields abroad then register, nominate and vote them at www.thankyouglobalpinoy.com. The TOP 10 best stories will be awarded in January 2012.

You can also check out their Facebook Page for more details about this award (click: ThankYouGlobalPinoy)
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that’s quite sad what your aunt had to go through at the airport. I hope that government will do something about this. It is not right. 🙁