“When there is a lack of honor in government, the morals of the whole people are poisoned”- Herbert Hoover
I have learned from my previous post about the Pioneer Insurance and Surety Corporation VS Keppel Cebu Shipyard Inc case that our own supreme court have flip flopped its decision which was already recorded in the Book of Entries and Judgments (meaning its final and executory) by re-opening the case.
I thought that this was the only case that they have re-opened, but I was surprised to know that there is another story wherein the Supreme Court did it again (read this article from Inquirer entitled Flip-flops undermine justice). The column is concerning a graft case that was filed against Nueva Ecija Mayor who was found guilty by the Sandigan Bayan beyond reasonable doubt. He was given a sentenced term in prison of up to ten years and demanding the payment of P4.8 million in damages and disqualifying him permanently from holding public office. On July 30, 2012, by a vote of 4-1, the Supreme Court pronounced the verdict as final and executory and recorded the decision in the Book of Entries and Judgments on Aug. 29, 2012.
The convicted mayor stopped going to Muñoz City Hall to avoid arrest. After some time, the provincial governor was asked by city residents to elevate the vice mayor to mayor so that the city could function. On Nov. 6, 2012, after due process, both the Department of the Interior and Local Government and the governor had the vice mayor take her oath of office as mayor.
Within a week after the vice mayor’s ascension to mayor, Alvarez surfaced, armed with documents showing that the Sandiganbayan had withdrawn the warrant of arrest. There is also a new notice, supposedly dated Oct. 22, 2012, indicating that the Supreme Court itself wanted to hear the case once more, en banc, raising the question of how final and executory its previous decision was.
So, what’s happening in our Judicial system? As a small citizen, I am afraid that this same system might happen to me or to my family, which makes it very alarming. As early as now, I am teaching my son to follow rules and regulations to avoid breaking the law but what can we do if the law makers are the first one who breaks it? What will be the future of this country?
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- A Petition to restore and preserve the stability of our judicial system
- Indecisiveness in the Supreme Court
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- Oh! The Supreme Court Did It Again
Whatever happens inside the judicial system seems to be a secret but it’s good that as early as now you’re teaching your son how to be a responsible citizen. May he grow up to be one who will help us improve the nation.
This is what I’m afraid- Judicial system in our country is might not be fair. It seems, if you have money you will be free from your sin / crime easily. But I hope not at all. Justice must be fair, at all times
I agree. The justice system should be fair at all times. That is why the justice system is represented by a lady wearing a blindfold or aptly called Lady Justice. The blindfold represents objectivity, in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favour, regardless of identity, money, power, or weakness; blind justice and impartiality. I rest my case.