If you have ever wanted to freshen up your living space but were unsure how to do it antique furniture is a great way to do it. I know that using old things to add more life to your home seems a bit strange to some people but it’s a great idea that you should consider.
Look for hardwood. Anything that has compressed paper or particle board as a component should be passed over. This means that they are modern replications of old styles.
Make sure to check out the hardware. Check all over for rust or corrosion and make sure that if there is any oxidation of metal that it’s minor and hasn’t stained any fabric.
Speaking of fabric, make sure that the fabric is not breaking down. Some natural fibers will slowly become very brittle and could split the first time you actually put pressure on it. If the fabric is breaking down you may be able to get a good deal on it the piece and then have it reupholstered to fit your tastes and style.
Don’t pass over antique doors. I would keep a framing square on hand to make sure that they are properly constructed. As with furniture you’ll want to make sure that it’s hardwood. Pick it up. Does it feel hollow? Are you able to easily lift it? If so, pass on that door. Hardwood doors are very heavy and completely solid.
Keep an eye out for antique door knobs too. They come in a variety of materials from embossed metal to mirrored glass and they all have great potential. Even if you don’t want to buy the whole door, see if you can buy the door knobs and add them to your existing door or use them as drawer pulls. I have seen some people use a line of antique door handles as coat hooks and it looked beautiful and unique.
There are lots of places to get antiques but I suggest scouting yard sales in old neighborhoods and renovation sales. Some people have no idea what they are throwing out. I have seen buckets of old glass door knobs sitting on the curb, ready to be picked up for a trip to the dump. It breaks my heart.
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Thank for the informative post. just keep it up.