One of the things that I am looking forward to in any blogger events that I attend was to be with my mommy blogger friends. We usually talk online through Facebook chat, and it seems that talking online is not enough for us to catch up with each others lives.
As of now, they are mostly the ones who I talk to and not my College and other friends. Maybe because we like to do one thing in common, besides taking good care of our kids- it’s blogging.
That is why, bumping with them at a blogging event makes the occasion more special.
These are mommy Kat of, Tetcha of, Karen Tuazon of, Olga of and mommy Pehpot of
and here is our wacky shot. Pa cute lang ako dito hahahaha!
with us here is mommy Nora and mommy Joy.
I know a lot of bloggers not only mommies, but I like to hang out with these ladies more. Some of my blogger friends are not with us today unfortunately.
I will post on my parenting blog on what event is this, so stay tuned!
photos from: Pablo Reyes Photography and mommy Tetcha
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It was so nice to see all of you again! This is why I look forward to attending events too. It makes an event even more interesting in the company of friends 🙂 See you soon again!