I have never imagined my nails to have some colorful designs, but when I saw this Best Nail Cartoon Art I find them so cute that I just had to share them with you. I hope I will have the guts to wear this kind of nail art someday.
The hilarious minions from the movie- Despicable Me
via: http://despicableme.com/group/fan-made
My son’s favorite characters from The Adventure Time
via: fuckyeahnailart.tumblr.com
Young kids and kids at heart love Spongebob Square Pants and friends
via: nails-love.tumblr.com
And who could ever forget The Flintstones Family
via: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/cartoon%20nails
And also the cute little SMURFS
via: bluebuddies.com
The friendly Care Bears
via: www.nailnerd.com
This is wrong combining Marvel and DC Superheroes logos but they are all super heroes so they all deserved a spot on the fingernails haha
The lovable LORAX
via: kootation.com
The clever Monsters Inc/ Monster University logo
and last but not the least, the cute trio of the Powerpuff Girls and their archenemy Mojo Jojo
via: www.glamour.com
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Oh so cute!!! Ha ha ha!
These are really nice! I showed it to my daughter and she absolutely loves it. Where can we get it?